All participants must register. The registration fee is $20.00 per individual or $10.00 per student and includes a 2025 Run T-shirt (while supplies last).
Please keep in mind the registration fee is waived if you have collected or pledge to collect donations of $100.00 or more.
Registration can be completed online, by email, or by phone.
Once registered please contact us by email or phone to arrange a convenient time to pick-up your Run T-shirt. If you are coordinating on behalf of a team, please contact us at least one week prior to the event with your Team Name and required shirt sizes.
enter a team
Participants can register as an individual or choose to enter a team. All teams must have a designated 'Team Captain'. The Team Captain is responsible for registering the team and letting team members know the team is officially registered so that each member of the team can associate their registration with the team when they register.
With the move to a virtual event, teams now have the flexibility to fund-raise whenever and however they choose. While some teams continue to hold the traditional walk or run, we see others holding unique events such as Bake Sales, Orange Days or even sporting events, including Curling Bonspiels and Pickleball Tournaments, to raise funds.
The Rankin Cancer Run has 3 types of teams.
All Corporate Teams will compete for the Tom Rankin Spirit of Business Award which is given to the team that raises the most funds as well as the Michele Currie Memorial Award which is given to the team with the highest participation.
The top fund-raiser in 2024 was
BFP Flower Power (Flora Pack) raising over $11,000. The team with the most participants was Brandt.
School Teams will compete against each other for awards based on both fund-raising efforts and participation levels. In all, 24 awards are given out thanks to the generosity of our good friends
at Tim Hortons.
In 2024, the top fund-raising elementary school was St. Davids Public who raised over $21,000! The top fundraising secondary school was West Niagara who raised over $16,000. The top participating elementary school was Crossroads. The top participating secondary schools were West Niagara, Laura Secord, Westlane and Thorold.
Community Teams are typically made up of a group of individuals who run in support of a family member, friend or colleague. Teams compete for the Nancy O'Rourke Spirit of Community Award for top fund-raiser as well as the Boyd Arnold Memorial Award for highest participation.
The top fund-raisers in 2024 were
In It Together and Team Bling who both raised over $11,000. The team with the most participants was Running for Ran.
collect additional sponsors
We encourage you to collect additional sponsors and donations. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20.00 or more.
To help track your additional donations, you can download our sponsorship form. Donations collected after the Pre-registration event are to be mailed to the Rankin Run mailing address.
Alternatively, you can have your sponsors donate on your behalf directly online. Sponsors who donate online will receive an emailed tax receipt.